Sunday 24 November 2013

From Cairo to Cape Town

You've heard of the film from Russia With Love, well Jack White went to Afirca with one goal in his heart and mind to raise as much money as he could for the charity Farm Africa. To Africa With Love.
His goal was simple cycle from Cairo at the north of Africa to Cape Town at the bottom of Africa. I said his goal was simple not practical ;p
However over 100 days he managed it and a handful of us were lucky enough to be able to go and see his presentation his trip. A real life inspiration, his journey was very tough with many obsticles to overcome such as heat, a non-sertanty of food and a place to stay and even later on in his journey lions. However he was so commited to this charity that he was able to keep pushing himself more and more each day to achieve this amazing target.
So after the visiting MAD group memebers had destroyed the food spread they had lay out for all the guests that were there, we sat and listened to a 2 hour talk on this momentous event.
It did not only show how one mans drive for success can achieve such great outcomes for charity but also that charity can come in many forms; from bakesales to car washes and to events that are much larger like this cycle that Jack White achieved.
We left the event inspired and ready to carry on helping in any way we possibly could.

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